Guarantee / Return Policy for items shipped from Sound Exchange

SOUND EXCHANGE guarantees every item sold through to be free of defects*.  If you receive a defective item, please send it back via USPS Media Mail, postmarked within seven days of the date you received the item, and include a note pinpointing the defect so that we can verify it. We will ship you another copy of the same item.  If we do not have another copy, we will offer you store credit or refund your purchase price plus sales tax; if it was the only item in your order, we will also refund the initial shipping you paid. We will refund return shipping if the item is verified to be defective on our equipment.  If we find that your item is not actually defective, we will ship the item back to you at your expense. 

Because of our high standards for quality, we get very few returns.


CDs – load and play fully without skips or repeats on our equipment
LPs – play fully without skips or repeats, no excessive noise.
Blu-Rays, DVDs and Video Games – load and play fully without skips, repeats, or freezes on our equipment.


+ We DO NOT GUARANTEE that any item purchased will play correctly on your equipment, since we cannot guarantee the fitness of your equipment. We do guarantee that all items will play correctly on OUR equipment.

+ We DO NOT GUARANTEE that you will like the item that you purchased.

+ We DO NOT GUARANTEE the overall quality of a recording. Please understand that there is a wide range of recording quality from recording to recording.  In order to be deemed defective, the item must sound noticeably different from another copy of the same exact item.

+ We DO NOT GUARANTEE records which have been warped by excessive heat. All records are double inspected by Sound Exchange and are flat when sold.

+ We DO NOT GUARANTEE any used CD or DVD or Video Game that has been returned with substantial scratches. All used CDs, Video Games and DVDs are inspected by Sound Exchange and are scratch free when sold (with the occasional exception of very small and slight marks that do not affect their performance).

+ We  DO NOT GUARANTEE any printed material such as books and magazines.

+ We DO NOT GUARANTEE that jewel cases will make it through the mail unbroken.

Further Note on Return Policy

Please understand that entertainment in the form of CDs, Blu-Rays, DVDs, and records is copyrighted material. This fact makes music different from most other things that consumers purchase. Because the enjoyment of these items can be retained by the consumer (by copying), our federal government passed Copyright protection laws that the entertainment industry is obligated to maintain. This means that copyrighted material can only be returned when it is defective and will be replaced with another copy of the identical item. This legislation helps to insure that the artists, record labels, distributors, and retailers are protected.